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Preparations for injection lipolysis

Preparations for injection lipolysis - solutions intended to reduce localized fat deposits in the lower part of the face and on the body. The injection lipolysis procedure is a minimally invasive and safer alternative to surgical liposuction. The effect after injections is gradual and increases with each procedure.

There are fat deposits on our face and body that cannot be removed by diet or exercise. For this purpose, cosmetology has developed lipolytics for weight loss, which you can buy on our website. Injection of lipolytics helps to reduce the fat layer, smooth the relief of the skin, eliminate scars, fibrosis, cellulite without surgery, pain and recovery period.

Types of the best preparations for injection lipolysis

Lipolytics are a type of meso cocktails. Cosmetologists in aesthetic clinics and beauty salons use 2 types of preparations to perform fat-burning injections.

  1. Direct action. Such products destroy the cell membrane and dissolve the fat, the breakdown products are removed from the body through the lymphatic system. The active components of direct lipolytics are usually phosphatidylcholine (PPC) - dissolves the contents of the adipocyte (at least 1000 mg), sodium deoxycholate - destroys the membrane of the fat cell (more than 5 mg).
  2. Indirect action. This type of cocktail does not have an aggressive effect on the cells and acts by activating metabolic processes in the tissues. Adipocytes are not destroyed, but only reduced in size, which contributes to the fact that the volume of fat deposits is lost. The preparations may contain caffeine, L-carnitine, bromelain, and extracts of artichoke, cocoa, or guarana.

Direct lipolytic preparations give faster results, but their introduction is associated with unpleasant sensations that accompany cell splitting. When using injectable preparations of indirect action the volumes are lost slowly, at the same time the result is preserved for a long time. An excellent effect gives a combination of indirect lipolytics with diet and exercise. This type of preparation is suitable for getting rid of cellulite, as well as for reducing the volume caused by swelling.

Indications and contraindications for the use of lipolytic preparations 

Intralipotherapy is effective for:

  • excessively chubby cheeks;
  • double chin;
  • fat deposits in the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back, thighs and buttocks;
  • cellulite;
  • swelling, fluid retention in the tissues.

Injections are recommended only for patients who are at least 18 years old. 

Contraindications for preparations for injection lipolysis are similar to those for any injection. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the lipolytic solution;
  • severe allergies, anaphylactic shock in the anamnesis;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus at the stage of decompensation.

The procedure should be postponed if the patient has a cold or flu, is taking antibiotics or blood-thinning medications.

What range of problems can be solved by the best preparations for injection lipolysis?

  1. Swelling and age-related ptosis of soft tissues,
  2. Hypodermal congestion, lymphatic stagnation,
  3. Cellulite and bumps on skin,
  4. Laxity of the skin,
  5. Rehabilitation after surgical liposuction and lifting,
  6. "Jowls," flabby chin,
  7. Hernias and xanthelasms on the eyelids,
  8. Fat packs in the middle third of the face,
  9. "Widow's Hump",
  10. Fat rolls in the arms, shoulders, elbows, buttocks, back, waist, hips, knees,
  11. Fibrosis and scars of various nature,
  12. Post-acne, scars.

It is necessary to buy lipolytics for the face and body if the patient is concerned not only about fat deposits, but also to improve the overall drainage of the skin and the condition of the skin.

Preparation for lipolysis (preparation for lipolysis)

Lipolytics are injected into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In the case of a direct meso cocktail, 1-4 treatments are sufficient to achieve the desired result. The course of injections of indirect lipolytics can include 5-10 sessions. When determining the number and interval between treatments, cosmetologists are guided by the manufacturer's recommendations, as well as the initial appearance of the contours of the face, the patient's figure and the purpose of intralipotherapy.

Preparations for injection lipolysis selected by a specialist on an individual basis. Today lipolytics for face, body and universal preparations are commercially available. Fat-burning injectable cocktails usually do not contain lidocaine, for clients with a low pain threshold it is worth using a local anesthetic.

For several days after the procedure of injection lipolysis patients should drink about 2 liters of water a day, refrain from drinking alcohol, intense physical activity, sunbathing, visiting the sauna and swimming pool.

It is easy to order lipolytics, but it is worth considering that the process of direct lipolysis is a rather painful procedure, it requires the hands of a certified professional, because the destruction of the cell from the inside takes place. The process of direct lipolysis can be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, pain and burning. 

How to choose the most effective preparation for lipolysis on the website

In our store you can buy lipolytics by going to "Lipolytics" section and selecting the required lipolysis product. We deliver meso cocktails - lipostimulants not only to such big cities as Poznań, Warszawa, Krakow, but also to any place where our delivery service works.

What's the price of the most effective preparation for lipolysis? 

The price of injections with lipolytic meso cocktails depends on several factors:

  • Direct/indirect lipolysis (if several sessions reduce problem areas by more than a few centimeters, such lipolysis will probably cost more than simple lipostimulation),
  • Composition (sometimes indirect lipolytics are quite expensive because of the high quality of peptides and other components that help to smooth the skin, eliminate cellulite, provide lymphatic drainage and so on),
  • Country of origin (South Korea is cheaper than European products),
  • The image and reputation of the manufacturer, reviews of lipolytic on the market among cosmetologists.

How long does the result of injecting the most effective preparation for lipolysis last

It all depends on the patient's willingness to maintain the achieved result. If the goal of lipolysis was stated as elimination of fat deposits, then with proper diet and attendance at a gym the result will be maintained for a long time. If the preparation for injection lipolysis was injected for lifting or to combat cellulite, it is important to maintain the achieved result with a procedure once every 3 months.